Green Hiring
If your team actively recruiting data scientists, data engineers, data analystsYou are overwhelmed because of manual work needed to screen every candidateEngineers tired of spending time on technical interviewsYou have too few candidates left after a resume screeningYou need candidates to have specific rare skills
How it's achieved?
By providing the best take-home challenge experience.
Task engages a candidateGives candidate an idea of what tasks and data he would work withSaves time by automatically provides feedback both for company and candidateCheck only skills recruiter cares aboutDecreases a need to assess skills during the following interviews
What's Green Hiring?
According to Talent Board global annual benchmark research 11% candidates were willing to sever the business relationship with the company.
Green hiring - is a process of hiring when a company optimizes resources spent by both the company and potential employees. Opposed to regular hiring, when only resources spent by the company are optimized. Ultimately, such an approach results in the best candidate experience.
Green hiring helps to attract more candidates and also lower the barrier for candidates who value their time.